Wellington Airport Fire StationWellington Airport Fire StationWellington Airport Fire Station



In Progress


Wellington Airport Fire Station

The Airport Fire Station will be a purpose-built facility, located on the western side of the runway at Wellington International Airport. The building is split into three forms, two single-volume parking bays and a two-storey central accommodation and office building. The accommodation building roof rises and falls along the street edge to reflect its residential neighbourhood.

The façade is broken up with a series of faceted panels and perforated screens to create a residential scale. Building materials include brick veneer on the lower level and lightweight panels above, with parking bays acting as lanterns to bookend the accommodation wing.

Several sustainability attributes include rainwater harvesting, a high thermal and acoustic building fabric, EV charging, fire appliance test water recirculation, and capacity for solar electricity generation.

The Airport Fire Station will be a purpose-built facility, located on the western side of the runway at Wellington International Airport. The building is split into three forms, two single-volume parking bays and a two-storey central accommodation and office building. The accommodation building roof rises and falls along the street edge to reflect its residential neighbourhood.

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The façade is broken up with a series of faceted panels and perforated screens to create a residential scale. Building materials include brick veneer on the lower level and lightweight panels above, with parking bays acting as lanterns to bookend the accommodation wing.

Several sustainability attributes include rainwater harvesting, a high thermal and acoustic building fabric, EV charging, fire appliance test water recirculation, and capacity for solar electricity generation.

Wellington Airport Fire Station

The design aesthetic is reflective of the Rongotai Isthmus, appearing to emerge from the sand dunes.




Wellington Airport Fire Station
Wellington Airport Fire Station
Wellington Airport Fire Station
Wellington Airport Fire Station
Wellington Airport Fire Station
Wellington Airport Fire Station
Wellington Airport Fire Station
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