Workplace + Interiors
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

Workplace + Interiors
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

Workplace + Interiors
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Our work is known for its conceptual clarity and harmony with the environment.
Our work is known for its conceptual clarity and harmony with the environment.
Our work is known for its conceptual clarity and harmony with the environment.
Our work is known for its conceptual clarity and harmony with the environment.

Workplace + Interiors
Rocket Lab Corporate Headquarters USA

Workplace + Interiors
Rocket Lab Corporate Headquarters USA

Workplace + Interiors
Rocket Lab Corporate Headquarters USA
It’s through empathy and understanding that we design.
It’s through empathy and understanding that we design.
It’s through empathy and understanding that we design.
It’s through empathy and understanding that we design.

Featherston Tower Refurbishment

Featherston Tower Refurbishment

Featherston Tower Refurbishment

Te Tāhuhu o Te Rangi - Ōpōtiki Library Community Hub

Te Tāhuhu o Te Rangi - Ōpōtiki Library Community Hub

Te Tāhuhu o Te Rangi - Ōpōtiki Library Community Hub

Workplace + Interiors
Te Kāhui Tiki Tangata Human Rights Commission

Workplace + Interiors
Te Kāhui Tiki Tangata Human Rights Commission

Workplace + Interiors
Te Kāhui Tiki Tangata Human Rights Commission
Our designs capture the innate qualities of Aotearoa.
Our designs capture the innate qualities of Aotearoa.
Our designs capture the innate qualities of Aotearoa.
Our designs capture the innate qualities of Aotearoa.

Workplace + Interiors
Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care

Workplace + Interiors
Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care

Workplace + Interiors
Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care

Aotea College: Campus Upgrade

Aotea College: Campus Upgrade

Aotea College: Campus Upgrade

Unitec: Architecture School

Unitec: Architecture School

Unitec: Architecture School

Workplace + Interiors
Designgroup Stapleton Elliott - Tauranga
Workplace + Interiors
Designgroup Stapleton Elliott - Tauranga

Workplace + Interiors
Designgroup Stapleton Elliott - Tauranga

Wellington Airport Fire Station
Wellington Airport Fire Station

Wellington Airport Fire Station
By giving each project the time for contemplation, we design enduring architecture.
By giving each project the time for contemplation, we design enduring architecture.
By giving each project the time for contemplation, we design enduring architecture.