Aotea College: Campus UpgradeAotea College: Campus UpgradeAotea College: Campus Upgrade



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Aotea College: Campus Upgrade

The Ministry of Education appointed DGSE as the Design Lead and Architects for significant upgrades to Aotea College, requiring replacement of most existing buildings exhibiting weathertightness issues. Our work commenced with a review of previous Master Planning studies deemed unaffordable. As Education Planners, we recommended strategic consideration of a completely different approach and rebuild solution. This achieved both significant savings and greatly improved student learning outcomes.

Effectively the entire School has been reconstructed - aside from the Gymnasium which was upgraded. The completed design directly aligns with MOE Innovative Learning Environments initiatives. Housed under one roof, four building wings contain a highly flexible mix of directed, self-directed and collaborative learning environments which also support specialist teaching zones for Science, Food Tech, Art, and Technology.

Considered focus was also placed on Student Pastoral Care requirements. A new Administration Block and Auditorium is located at the main entry. Following completion of the new build, existing buildings have been demolished to create a mix of outdoor sports courts, improved parking, and safer pedestrian circulation.

The Ministry of Education appointed DGSE as the Design Lead and Architects for significant upgrades to Aotea College, requiring replacement of most existing buildings exhibiting weathertightness issues. Our work commenced with a review of previous Master Planning studies deemed unaffordable. As Education Planners, we recommended strategic consideration of a completely different approach and rebuild solution. This achieved both significant savings and greatly improved student learning outcomes.

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Effectively the entire School has been reconstructed - aside from the Gymnasium which was upgraded. The completed design directly aligns with MOE Innovative Learning Environments initiatives. Housed under one roof, four building wings contain a highly flexible mix of directed, self-directed and collaborative learning environments which also support specialist teaching zones for Science, Food Tech, Art, and Technology.

Considered focus was also placed on Student Pastoral Care requirements. A new Administration Block and Auditorium is located at the main entry. Following completion of the new build, existing buildings have been demolished to create a mix of outdoor sports courts, improved parking, and safer pedestrian circulation.

Aotea College: Campus Upgrade

Strategic reconsideration to create an affordable reconstruction solution.

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Aotea College: Campus Upgrade
Aotea College: Campus Upgrade
Aotea College: Campus Upgrade
Aotea College: Campus Upgrade
Aotea College: Campus Upgrade
Aotea College: Campus Upgrade
Aotea College: Campus Upgrade
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Punakērua House