Aigantighe Art GalleryAigantighe Art GalleryAigantighe Art Gallery



In Progress


Aigantighe Art Gallery

Designgroup New Zealand in collaboration with Roberts Gray Architects were part of a shortlisted panel of five teams invited to provide a concept design for a new extension to the Aigantighe Art Gallery in TeTihi-o-Maru (Timaru).

The Aigantighe Art Gallery consists of a Heritage House Gallery and further gallery extensions from 1978 and 1995 which are no longer fit for purpose. As a part of Timaru District Council’s Long Term Plan 2021-31, the new wing is a replacement of the extensions and will provide a contemporary gallery and community hub to extend the legacy of Aigantighe as a responsive art museum for the 21st century.

Set within an established sculpture garden, the proposal is shaped to create breathing space between itself and the Heritage House while reinstating the original entry. This gesture allows the sculpture garden to flow through, creating a constant sense of orientation and connection to the history of the site.

The proposals have been exhibited for community feedback and are currently under jury review.

Designgroup New Zealand in collaboration with Roberts Gray Architects were part of a shortlisted panel of five teams invited to provide a concept design for a new extension to the Aigantighe Art Gallery in Te Tihi-o-Maru (Timaru).

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The Aigantighe Art Gallery consists of a Heritage House Gallery and further gallery extensions from 1978 and 1995 which are no longer fit for purpose. As a part of Timaru District Council’s Long Term Plan 2021-31,the new wing is a replacement of the extensions and will provide a contemporary gallery and community hub to extend the legacy of Aigantighe as a responsive art museum for the 21st century.

Set within an established sculpture garden, the proposal is shaped to create breathing space between itself and the Heritage House while reinstating the original entry. This gesture allows the sculpture garden to flow through, creating a constant sense of orientation and connection to the history of the site.

The proposals have been exhibited for community feedback and are currently under jury review.

Aigantighe Art Gallery

This gesture allows the sculpture garden to flow through, creating a constant sense of orientation and connection to the history of the site.

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Aigantighe Art Gallery
Aigantighe Art Gallery
Aigantighe Art Gallery
Aigantighe Art Gallery
Aigantighe Art Gallery
Aigantighe Art Gallery
Aigantighe Art Gallery
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